Buildings and Grounds
Many parishioners may not know but, St. Christopher Church has a Building and Grounds (B&G) committee. It functions to advise Fr. Eloo and the Parish Council concerning items dealing with the Church property and buildings. This entails some work. The B&G Committee saved the Church $40,000 last year.
The B&G does quarterly inspections required by the Diocese of Rochester. These inspections let the Diocese and us know if anything needs to be repaired or upgraded. However, the B&G responsibility goes beyond the inspections.
When the Church roof was damaged due to the wind storm several years ago, the B&G got quotes for the repairs and, once the quote was issued, oversaw the work. And, more recently, the lights upgrade in the Church was another B&G project. We also have worked with Lori Murtaugh in orchestrating fixing up the property and cleaning up the Church with the Faith Formation students and their families.
The B&G also endeavors to save the Parish money. We scrutinize all the quotes to make sure that we are getting the best deal. When Deacon Dave was here and chairperson of the B&G, the ash trees were cut and removed by B&G members, minor repairs were made, and painting was done, all for only the cost of materials.
Now though, we need members for the B&G Committee. Most of the current members are retired and it is difficult to get help with projects. New, younger members are needed. It doesn’t matter what your skill set is; you’d be surprised at how much you know and can help. Please consider it as a ministry for the Church. For more information, please contact Dino at:
Recent B & G Projects:
Repoured decayed light base.
Cleaned and organized the garage
New Church and parking lot lights installed